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Summer Newsletter

Suzy Sharpe Spring & Summer events

I hope that you are well. I have a busy few months ahead further details and examples of new work are on my website.
28th May – 5th June – Open Studios at Hillside Farm

Only a week away!!!  We still have plenty to do to get ready for visitors, but I thought I would help with directions by painting a flock of crows on the side of the the house, so you cant miss us now!.
We will have works in progress and sketch books available for you to browse through, I will also be selling lots of my drawings and paintings on paper at much reduced prices. I produce hundred of drawings which never make it into frames because they don’t fit in with the themes of my exhibitions, so I thought it would be a good time to have a clear out….bargins to be found!!! Paul will also be demonstrating his techniques.
It will be an opportunity to meet the animals which become the subjects of many of my paintings, we will have free flowing Coffee, tea and biscuits and if you would like to draw the horses, sheep or any other animals please feel free to bring materials and spend an hour or so here.

New Cards & Prints

I have added another batch of cards and prints to my range which can all now be bought postage free on my website 

Inspired and Wild Exhibition – Cornwall Wildlife Trust

I was selected as a Guest Artist so have 2 pieces of work in the show, it is now on its second leg of its journey around Cornwall the remaining itinerary is as follows.

  • Lobb’s Farm Shop in Heligan – On Saturday 21st May the exhibition will move to Lobb’s Farm Shop, and the Trust will host various wildlife and art activities for all ages in theLost Gardens of Heligan on Sunday 29th and Monday 30th May.
  • Paradise Park – The tour will then move to Paradise Park on Friday 10th June until 30th June.
  • The National Seal Sanctuary will exhibit from Friday 1st July and end on Friday 22nd July.

I will be running a drawing workshop at the Seal Sanctuary, further details of which can be obtained via the Cornwall Wildlife Trust website or by telephone on 01872 273939

Royal Cornwall Show 9th – 11th June

I am also preparing for Royal Cornwall Show  which will run from the 9th – 11th June, I will be painting the Champion Sheep and Pig from the show and have also been asked by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust  to be one of their artists in residence again this year. We will also have a stand in the Westcountry Crafts Marquee number 64.
Its All About Art – The Society for All Artists

Then during July I will be off to London to the Society for All Artists – Its all about Art Show from 21st – 23rd July where I will be running workshops for Winsor & Newton using their gorgeous Artists Acrylics. As a result of this I also had a double page article about painting “Half Hidden Kevin” published in Paint Magazine.
I hope to see you at one of my forthcoming events.
Best wishes

Spring Newsletter

Exhibitions April & May

I wanted to let you know about four very different exhibitions that I have coming up. If you would like further details please visit my website and if you have Facebook you can keep up with news as it happens! on my business page

it all starts with……

Morvah Schoolhouse Gallery

9th – 22nd April

This is a joint exhibition of new work with Coral Spencer, we are holding a Private View on the Sunday the 10th April to which you will be very welcome Coral and I have exhibited together before but not for around 4 years so this is an exciting opportunity for us. 

Coral describes her interests as lying in the cycle of life and death, the process of decay and how that feeds the earth and ultimately life. With her use of a limited palette of colour she attempts to encapsulate the peace and tranquillity that most of us try obtain. She often incorporates the human form with found materials, interweaving them, portraying that we are an integral part of the word we inhabit. Coral can be contacted on tel: 01209 203907 email <a href="" style="color: #3b5998; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" title="

CTRL + Click to follow link”>

The Poly – (The Art Centre)
Falmouth 11th – 18th April 

Paul and I will be sharing the Steel gallery at the Poly, we will both be there for most of the week and look forward to seeing you if you can make it. You can see some examples of Pauls work on his website and I will be showing new paintings together with my increasing range of prints at cards.

Inspired & Wild – Cornwall Wildlife Trust 

I have been selected as one of the guest artists for this touring exhibition the itinerary is as follows

I have been asked to run workshops at Trebah and the Seal Sanctuary, further details of which can be obtained via the Cornwall Wildlife Trust website or by telephone on 01872 273939 

Open Studios at Hillside Farm

28th May – 5th June

Paul & I are taking part in Open Studios again this year, after a very successful 1st year (2010) at Hillside Farm.  This is a great opportunity to see our work in progress, sketch books and work that doesnt get on to a gallery wall….in my case 100s of sketches and small paintings that I never seem to get round to framing.

Paul will also be demonstrating his techniques and it will be an opportunity to meet the animals which become the subjects of many of my paintings, we will have free flowing Coffee, tea and biscuits and if I can find time I may run a drawing workshop….but I will keep you informed nearer the time.

I look forward to see you soon
Best wishes
