I make unique one off paintings, drawings and printmaking  with a fresh contemporary twist made in Cornwall inspired by nature, environmental concerns, poetry, story telling, the local landscape and the experience of wildlife in our often tumultuous modern world with a particular focus on British birds against busy abstract or patterned backgrounds.

My research has confirmed a long held philosophy, which my work repeatedly and unceasingly tries to communicate; that animals, as far as I am concerned are equal to humans, in the way that I may be equal to a lion and that all living things are equal to each other.

This perspective allows for respect and compassion in all our interactions. We are all food for something and intrinsic parts of a symbiotic, seamlessly interconnected existence.  Drawing on stories from a range of literary genres and my personal experience, the intention of my work is to explore the way in which we (humans and non humans)  experience the world, to raise a question in the mind of the viewer,  create work which reflects a thoughtful and considered engagement with the natural world and the broader landscape, the influence of the geographical environment on the mind, mood and sense of well-being, the way in which it affects us all.

I try to engage in thoughtful projects such as the ‘Ghost of Gone Birds’ project at the Migration Festival in Camden and the PAN project.  These highlight endangered wildlife and speak of the way in which humans impacted on their lives often instrumental in extinction. I like to support charities such as The Mousehole Bird Hospital, Compassion in World Farming, RSPB, BTO and The Wildlife Trust who do an amazing job in raising awareness, protecting and helping birds and animals locally, nationally and internationally.